Lack of available, comprehensive and reliable information on the issues of sustainability often lead to skepticism and confusion.
Impacts of irresponsible consumption
What makes a product sustainable
What is a sustainable lifestyle
The Value of sustainability
Comfort with ones habitual behaviors developed in their lifestyles over time and the perception that adopting a sustainable lifestyle requires added effort leads to skepticism of feasibility and an unwillingness to explore alternative behaviors.
Effort necessary to adopt a sustainable lifestyle
Past experiences with inferior sustainable products & the perception that material limitations hinder product performance leads to skepticism in the ability of a sustainable product to meet expected standards of functionality, usability & quality.
Skepticism that a sustainable product will meet expected standards of funtionality, usability and quality.
Perception that sustainable products are unreasonable priced and poverty lead to an unwillingness to spend beyond the percieved value and to explore sustainable alternatives.
Price associated with sustainable products being higher than their perceived value.
My Senior Thesis was undertaken during the Fall semester of 2010. The subject of my thesis is the conversion of potential sustainable consumers to ones that live sustainable lifestyles. Potential sustainable consumers are increasingly aware and concerned about environmental and social issues related to sustainability, however the consumers willingness often does not translate into sustainable consumer behavior. This is due to a variety of behavioral barriers in the areas of information, convenience, affordability and product performance. The focus of this project is to identify the barriers and determine solutions that will enable consumers to move beyond them.
The product design generated from the thesis serves as a model that’s function is to be an exemplar for a new generation of products that will not only be sustainable, but also serve to propogate the practice of sustainability. Due to the fact that my research was extensive, the presentation has been abridged for the purposed of this portfolio. Please contact me if you wish to view a more expansive version.